Donor Spotlight – Rockford Construction

Rockford Construction is a family business in every sense of the word. Founded in 1951 by Robert Bruns as Bruns Construction Enterprises, it’s now on its third generation of workers and of Robert Bruns’ eight surviving children, all work for the company. “Our board...

Rockford House Now a Home

Less than a year after breaking ground, the Rockford lot is now a home. That home has been purchased by Jonathan and Kami Hampton of Piqua, who along with their son will soon make the move to the welcoming village of Rockford. Staff Sergeant Jonathan Hampton is a...

Rockford House Dedication

Lots for Soldiers is holding a dedication ceremony on June 18 at the recently completed Rockford house. The house has been awarded to SSG Jonathan Hampton, his wife Kami and son Michael. Jonathan Hampton is a recruiter for the National Guard and Kami Hampton is an...

VA Benefit Q&A Sessions Planned

If you’re a veteran trying to make sense of the confusing world of VA benefits and the paperwork that comes it, we have a way to help you through it. Staring on June 14, there will be weekly VA benefit Q&A sessions at the Lots For Soldiers office in Celina....